An interesting side note to your story….following this great oxygenation event was the development of the Eukaryotic cell — the entity that made most of the life that we know today possible on this planet. You see, in response to the threatening environment of excessive oxygen, a bunch of little organelles got together inside a kamikaze thing called a cell-membrane which was willing to sacrifice its outermost members to the scorching touch of oxygen. One of the organelles in this membrane was called the mitochondria, which had figured out a way to turn oxygen into ATP, a potent source of energy. With the help of other organelles, this little unit soon become the most adaptable and productive of all life forms — as it was able to convert something threatening into something life-giving. Perhaps we will find a way to do that too. If we follow the example of our little biological ancestors it could happen through some unlikely partners working in collaboration to create something that not only adapts, but thrives — eventually able to come together in larger numbers to create more complex forms of organization that have unique contributions to project Life.